Orthopedic Spine Surgery
Spine surgery is a subspecialty of orthopedic surgery dealing with disorders affecting the spine (neck, midback and low back).  These disorders range from congenital to degenerative to traumatic.  Congenital spinal disorders include abnormal curvatures of the spine, such as scoliosis.  Degenerative conditions, commonly referred to as "wear and tear", include arthritis and stenosis.  Injuries to the spine, such as fractures, sprains, or strains, are acquired problems from a
traumatic event.

What you can expect:
Your initial evaluation will involve a thorough medical history and physical examination.  Depending on your condition, further evaluation with imaging studies such as Xray, CAT scan, or MRI may be involved.  Once a diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is individually formulated for you with your input.  Treatment ranges from medications, home exercise, chiropractics, physical therapy, injections, bracing, and surgery.